








1.    The largest and smallest integers and float values are defined in two separate header files:





2.    For example, the largest 2-byte integer is 32767.


3.    Here are the names of the constants:



      INT_MAX           largest 2-byte integer

      INT_MIN            smallest 2-byte integer

      UINT_MAX        largest unsigned (positives only) 2-byte integer

      LONG_MAX      largest 4-byte integer

      LONG_MIN        smallest 4-byte integer

      ULONG_MAX    largest unsigned (positives only) 4-byte integer



      FLT_MAX           largest 4-byte float

      FLT_MIN            smallest 4-byte float

      DBL_MAX          largest 8-byte float

      DBL_MIN           smallest 8-byte float      





1.    Write a program to solve the math expressions shown below.


2.    The program must store each calculated result in an appropriate variable.


3.    The program must print out the math expression and result as follows:


       2 + 3 = 5

       17 % 4 = 1


4.    You are to solve the following problems:


4 + 9

46 / 7

46 % 7

2 * 3.0


float (25) / 4

int (7.75) + 2

int ('P')

char (105)




5.    The work will look something like this:


       answer = 4 + 9;

       cout << "4 + 9 = " << answer << endl;


6.    Include the header files limits.h and float.h in your program. 


       #include <limits.h>

       #include <float.h>


Print out all the constants listed in Background: section 3.  For example:


       cout << "The largest 2-byte integer = " << INT_MAX << endl;





1.  After completing the program, print your source code and a run output to the printer.


2.  Make sure your name is documented near the top of your source code.