PP Template




Syntax/correctness issues


2-1        Watch out for the results of the division operator (/).  The answer of 22/4 is 5, not 5.5 as you might expect.  If you want floating point division to occur, one of the two operands must be a float or you need to use a type conversion like this:


             int  a = 22, b = 4;

             float  answer;


             answer = float (a)/b;


2-2        The modulus operator (%) can only be used with integer operands.


             7 % 2 results in 1

             7.5 % 2  compiler error


2-3        Do not use a reserved word as an identifier.


2-4        Reserved words must be used in lower case text only.


2-5        Declared variables are uninitialized until you initialize them.  All uninitialized variables start with garbage information.



Formatting suggestions


2-6        When declaring multiple variables on the same line separated by commas, add a space after each comma to make the line more readable.


             int      num1,  num2,  num3;                  // easier to read with spaces

             float   value1,value2,value3;     // harder to read without spaces


2-7        You must be consistent in your use of lower case and upper case letters with identifiers.  You might consider the convention used in the curriculum guide:


             single word identifiers - all lower case                             number, sum, value

             multiple word identifiers

                  first word all lower case

                  subsequent words begin with upper case                    capLetter, dayOfWeek, sizeOfList







Software engineering


2-8        It is probably best to declare all variables at the beginning of the function.  A blank line should be inserted after the declaration lines and before the first executable line.  This helps to separate variable declarations from the executable statements.


2-9        If you prefer to declare variables in the midst of executable statements, add a blank line above and below the declaration line to highlight it.