W.A.7.1 o parameters

Worksheet W.A.7.1                                                                   Name  _______________________




Predict the output of this program:


// parameters.cpp


// A short program to test understanding of parameter passing


#include <iostream.h>


void one (int, int);

void two (int &, int &);

void three (int &, int &);

void print (const int &, const int &);


main ()


       int a = 2, b = 5;


       print (a,b);

       one (a,b);

       print (a,b);

       two (a,b);

       print (a,b);

       three (a,a);     // unusual call

       print (a,b);

       return 0;



void one (int s, int t)


       s *= 2;

       t += s;

       print (s,t);



void two (int &g, int &h)


       g *= 2;

       h += g;



void three (int &c, int &d)


       c *= 2;

       d *= 2;



void print (const int &num1, const int &num2)


       cout << num1 << "   " << num2 << endl;
