H.A.9.1 o PP9




Syntax/correctness issues


9-1        Make sure you initialize counters and totals before entering a while loop.


9-2        With looping problems it is very easy to exceed the INT_MAX limit of 2-byte integers.  When totaling large amounts of integers use long int variables.


9-3        Be careful when testing floating point values for boundary conditions in a loop.  Because floating-point numbers are stored imprecisely, comparisons with double values do not always work as expected.  For example, here is a sample program that results in an endless loop.


#include <iostream.h>

#include <iomanip.h>


main ()


         double x = 0.0;

         int  loop = 0;


         cout << setprecision (2) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint);

         while (x != 10.0)


                 x += 0.1;

                 cout << setw(7) << x;


                 if (loop % 10 == 0) cout << endl;        // do an endl every 10 values


         return 0;



The run output looks like this:


0.10   0.20   0.30   0.40   0.50   0.60   0.70   0.80   0.90   1.00

1.10   1.20   1.30   1.40   1.50   1.60   1.70   1.80   1.90   2.00


... gets stuck in endless loop ...


             Because doubles are stored imprecisely, when it came time to compare (x != 10.0) the equality comparison was missed.  The boolean condition should be (x < 10.0).



Formatting suggestions


9-4        Line up the braces of a while loop with the keyword while.  Indent the statements inside of the while loop 3 spaces.  See the above program as an example.  



Software engineering


9-5        When setting up a sentinel-controlled loop, consistently remind the user of what the sentinel value is.


9-6        If you follow the guidelines of structured programming, avoid using the break command in conditional loops.  However, use of the break command will result in fewer steps executed.