
1.   In the sorting template program add a global variable to keep track of the number of steps executed.  This variable should be a long integer.

2.   Add the code for the 3 quadratic sorting algorithms to the sorting template program.  Add the appropriate lines of code to count the number of steps for each algorithm.  The student outline has provided an example for the swap and bubbleSort functions.

3.   Test each sorting algorithm for the number of steps to sort 100, 200, and 400 integers.

4.   Record your answers below.

5.   Recursive mergesort and quicksort will be studied in later lessons.

6.   You will turn in this lab sheet after the conclusion of Lesson 23.

                                    100 integers           200 integers                 400 integers

BubbleSort                _______________            _______________            _______________


SelectionSort             _______________            _______________            _______________


InsertionSort              _______________            _______________            _______________


MergeSort                 _______________            _______________            _______________


QuickSort                 _______________            _______________            _______________